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The page of Klimko-Dobrzaniecki, Hubert, English biography

Image of Klimko-Dobrzaniecki, Hubert
Klimko-Dobrzaniecki, Hubert
(Hubert Dobrzaniecki)


Polish writer and poet, author of several collections of short stories and short novels as well as two volumes of poetry. After studying theology and philosophy and travelling around Europe, he spent 10 years living in Reykjavík, studying Icelandic language and literature. Before turning to full-time writing, he has tried is hand at a variety of jobs, from short order cook, strawberry picker, clown and orderly in an old-people’s home.. He is currently based in Vienna with his family; apart from fiction he regularly publishes essays in Polish journals such as Polityka, Przekrój and Odra.

(Editor of this page: Julia Sherwood )

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