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Chmel, Karol: Soaking into the Maps (Vsakovanie do máp I in English)

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Vsakovanie do máp I (Slovak)

máš vedieť: až v dutopriestore
sa naplní čas; takže svet postuluj
ako zahmlievanie; to, čo je za ním,
vypára božiu niť zo zádušnej omše,
to, čo je za ním, odpustí

PublisherSpray, modrá mentalita

Soaking into the Maps (English)

you are supposed to know: only in the hollowspace
is time fulfilled; so postulate the world
as misting over; what is behind it,
will unstitch God's thread from the office for the dead,
what is behind it, will forgive
the burden

Source of the quotation100 Years of Slovak Literature, Vilenica
