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Válek, Miroslav: With the Head on Fire (S hlavou v ohni in English)

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S hlavou v ohni (Slovak)

Rád by som bol, keby si bola ráno iskrou,
aby si mi vždy, keď svitá, padla do oka.
Iskra v oku,
noc, noc hlboká.

V takej noci k nebu by som stúpal.
Napoludnie by si mohla byť môj úpal.
Aby o mne hovorili: Celý horí.
Aby som bol z teba trocha chorý.
s hlavou v ohni myslieť na teba.

O pol ôsmej večer: dlho hľadám struny.
Aby som ťa zahral
podľa zlata hviezd
a podľa krvi luny.
O pol ôsmej večer:
aby ťa bol celý vesmír plný.

A rád by som bol, keby si raz v noci bola: áno.
Áno na srdci, a áno na ústach.
Iskra v oku, hlava v ohni,
noc, noc hlboká.
Padla si mi do oka.

Uploaded byRépás Norbert
PublisherSlovenský spisovateľ Bratislava
Source of the quotationMiroslav Válek Básne, súborné vydanie
Bookpage (from–to)30-31
Publication date

With the Head on Fire (English)

I’d be pleased if in the morning you were a spark,
at every dawn to catch my eye.
The spark in my eye,
at night, you and I.

At such a night I would rise to the sky like an oak.
At noon you could be my sunstroke.
To make every one to speak of me: “He is burning!”
To make me a little bit sick of you, yearning.
At noon:
with the head on fire to think of you.

At half eight: I make my strings croon.
To play you
by the stars’ gold
and by the tears of moon.
At half eight:
to make the universe in your tune.

And I’d be pleased if, at one night, you are: Yes.
Yes at heart and yes on mouth.
The spark in the eye, the head on fire
at night you and I.
You caught my eye.

Uploaded byRépás Norbert
PublisherKindle Edition
Source of the quotationCollection of Poems: Miroslav Válek
Bookpage (from–to)Kindle Locations 171-178
Publication date
