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Válek, Miroslav: Lynched (Lynčovaný in English)

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Lynčovaný (Slovak)

Zdalo sa mi, že som visel na povraze,
bez myšlienok, bez slov, bez sily.
Čierna tvár sa pozerala do hviezd;
čierna tvár
a všetci sa jej desili.
Ale tá tvár dívala sa do hviezd.

Nebojte sa, mŕtvy sa už nepohne.
To len vietor,
to len vietor ma tak kníše.
Ako lístie na stromoch
a kvet
a obilie,
ako všetko inšie.
Nebojte sa, mŕtvy sa už nepohne.

Ó keby ste okolo mňa chodili,
akoby som nikdy ani nebol.
Ó keby ste okolo mňa chodili,
držali sa za ruky,
dívali sa na hviezdnaté nebo...
A keby ste boli veselí.

Ale každý sa ma bojí,
pretože som taký opustený
a tak strašne sám.
Prečo sa ma každý bojí,
keď som tu tak sám?

Uploaded byRépás Norbert
PublisherKALLIGRAM, Edícia: Knižnica slovenskej literatúry
Source of the quotationMiroslav Válek - Básnické dielo, ISBN: 80-7149-795-9
Bookpage (from–to)60-61
Publication date

Lynched (English)

I felt as if I was hanging on the rope,
without minds, without words, without strength.
The black face was gazing at stars;
the black face
and every one was dreading it
But that face was gazing at stars.

Don’t be afraid, a dead man won’t move.
It’s just the wind;
it’s just the wind which dangles me.
Just like leaves on trees
and a flower
and grain
like everything else.
Don’t be afraid, a dead man won’t move.

Oh, if only you were walking around me
as if I had never even been here.
Oh, if only you were walking around me,
holding each other’s hand,
looking at the starry sky…
And if only you were cheerful.
But everybody is afraid of me,
because I am so abandoned
and so dreadfully alone.
Why is everybody afraid of me,
when I am here so alone?

Uploaded byRépás Norbert
PublisherAmazon Kindle Edition
Source of the quotationCollection of Poems: Miroslav Válek, ASIN: B00V6YBLWK
Bookpage (from–to)Kindle Locations 136-144
Publication date
