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Stachura, Edward: Autumn (Jesien in English)

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Jesien (Polish)

Zanurzac zanurzac sie
w ogrody rudej jesieni
i liscie zrywac kolejno
jakby godziny istnienia

Chodzic od drzewa do drzewa
od bolu i znowu do bolu
cichutko krokiem cierpienia
by wiatru nie zbudzic ze snu

I liscie zrywac bez zalu
z usmiechem cieplym i smutnym
a maly listek ostatni
zostawic komus i umrzec

Autumn (English)

To submerge submerge oneself
into the gardens of red autumn
and to pick off leaves one by one
as if the hours of being
To walk from tree to tree
from pain and back to pain
softly in step of suffering
to keep the wind asleep
And to pick off leaves without sorrow
with a smile both warm and sad
and the last little leaf
to leave for someone and die
