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Skácel, Jan: Píseň o nejbližší vině

Portre of Skácel, Jan

Píseň o nejbližší vině (Czech)

Je studánka a plná krve
a každý z ní už jednou pil
a někdo zabil moudivláčka
a kdosi strašně ublížil

A potom mu to bylo líto
a do dlaní tu vodu bral
a prohlížel ji proti světlu
a moc se bál a neubál

A držel ale neudržel
tu vodu v prstech bože můj
a v prázdném lomu kámen lámal
a marně prosil: kamenuj

A držel ale neudržel
a bál se ale neubál
a studánka je plná krve
a každý u ní jednou stál

Uploaded byRépás Norbert
Publisher© 2003-2016 Český
Source of the quotation

Song of proximate blame (English)

There is a wellspring with blood brimming
and each has drunk from it before
and someone killed a pendulinus
and someone did great harm therefore

And then he felt regret and sorrow
and in his hands cupped water clear
and up against the light he scanned it
and fearing much held back no fear

And holding he could not contain it
water through fingers my God gone
and broke stone in the empty quarry
and begged in vain: himself to stone

And holding he could not contain it
and fearing much held back no fear
and the wellspring is with blood brimming
and each one has stood by too near

Uploaded byRépás Norbert
Source of the quotation
