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Rúfus, Milan: Freedom (Sloboda in English)

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Sloboda (Slovak)

Všetko je tu už pred tebou. I ty.
Sekera v kláte, pevne zaťatá.
A voda v studni.

už predtým, než si vládol,
vo výslužbe už predtým, než si žil,
posunuješ si svoje malé vláčiky,
pozorne, aby sa nám nestalo
veliké železničné nešťastie.

Oddávna vieš, že musíš prijať hru.
je príliš vážna.

A čo je pravda? hraj,
ži, môj Quijote, už sa nepýtaj.
A neutekaj. Hraj, lebo sa stane
veľké nešťastie.

PublisherDielo I. MilaniuM 2002, s. 228

Freedom (English)

Everything was here before you came. Even you.
The axe in the block, firmly lodged,
and water in the well.

even before you began your reign,
retired even before you lived,
you move your little trains about
with care, so as to avoid
a great railway disaster.

You’ve known all along that you must play the game.
It is too serious.

And what’s the truth? Play on,
and live, my dear Quixote, ask no questions.
Don’t run away. Play on, or else
there’ll be a great disaster.

Source of the quotationSister Hope. Poems in Eglish
