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Janík, Pavol: New York (New York in English)

Portre of Janík, Pavol
Portre of Sutherland-Smith, James

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New York (Slovak)

Na vodorovnom zrkadle
vystretého zálivu
trčia hroty hranatého mesta
zabodnuté priamo do hviezdnatej oblohy.

V ligotavom mori lámp
nádherne stroskotávajú
flirtujúce flitrové lodičky
na tvojich vzrušujúcich nohách
plávajúcich v podpalubí
večerných brokátových šiat.

Odrazu sme nezvestní
ako ihly v labyrinte staniolu.

Niektoré veci berieme osobne -
siahodlhé limuzíny,
vypĺznuté veveričky v Central parku
a kovové telo mŕtvej slobody.

V New Yorku sa predovšetkým stmieva.

Zažne sa trblietavá tma.

Tisícramenný luster veľkomesta
píše každý večer na lesklý povrch vody
Einsteinov odkaz o rýchlosti svetla.

A ešte predtým súmrak zaplaví
strieborné plátno newyorskej oblohy
hektolitrami hollywoodskej krvi.

Kam siaha ríša z mramoru a zo skla?
Kam mieria rakety štíhlych mrakodrapov?

Boh si kupuje hot dog
na dne šesťdesiatposchodovej ulice.

Boh je černoch
a miluje sivú farbu betónu.

Narodil sa syn samého seba
v papierovej škatuli
od najnovšieho typu otroka.

Uploaded byRépás Norbert
PublisherCCW Bratislava
Source of the quotationBuď vôňa tvoja, ISBN 80-968788-0-8
Bookpage (from–to)08-09
Publication date

New York (English)

In a horizontal mirror
of the straightened bay
the points of an angular city
stabbing directly into the starry sky.

In the glittering sea of lamps
flirtatious flitting boats
tremble marvellously
on your agitated legs
swimming in the lower deck
of a brocade evening dress.

Suddenly we are missing persons
like needles in a labyrinth of tinfoil.

Some things we take personally –
stretch limousines,
moulting squirrels in central Park
and the metal body of dead freedom.

In New York most of all it’s getting dark…

The glittering darkness lights up.

The thousand-armed luster of the mega city
writes Einstein’s message about the speed of light
every evening on the gleaming surface of the water.

And again before the dusk the silver screen
of the New York sky floods
with hectolitres of Hollywood blood.

Where does the empire of glass and marble reach?
Where do the slim rackets of the skyscrapers aim?

God buys a hot dog
at the bottom of a sixty-storey street.

God is a black
and loves the grey color of concrete.

His son was born from himself
in a paper box
from the newest sort of slave.

Uploaded byRépás Norbert
Source of the
Publication date

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