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Janík, Pavol: Drizzle (Mrholí in English)

Portre of Janík, Pavol

Mrholí (Slovak)

V tvojich očiach svitá
meravo ako v rybníku.
Studeno ma bozkáš
na neprítomnú tvár.
Prezeráš si ma
rannými oknami tesne pred prebudením.

Aj tak
prejdem bez povšimnutia
okolo tvojho smútku.

Uploaded byRépás Norbert
PublisherSmena Bratislava / Edícia MLADÁ TVORBA
Source of the quotationNezaručené správy
Bookpage (from–to)29-29
Publication date

Drizzle (English)

It dawns in your eyes
just like at the fish farm.
You kiss is cold
on my absent face.
You look at me
through the morning windows just before waking.

I will go unnoticed
around your sadness.

Uploaded byRépás Norbert
Source of the quotationtranslator

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