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Válek, Miroslav: Chapel (Kaplnka in English)

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Kaplnka (Slovak)

Keby si rástla v záhrade a na slnku,
chodil by som každodenne z diaľky
k vám do záhrady na fialky
a tvojim nohám spravil by som kaplnku.

Tvoje nohy, keby si si nesadla,
boli by v nej dva ružové stĺpy,
ktoré vždycky - to vie už aj hlúpy -
držia klenbu, aby na ne nespadla.

Vo zvonici, kde to bije zľahučka,
je vysoko nad klenbou, no skrátka,
keby boli otvorené vrátka,
našiel by som voňavé jabĺčka.

Keby som tak kaplnku ja takú mával,
namojdušu nebol by v nej nával,
sám by som sa s jabĺčkami hrával
a na noc ju na sto zámkov zamykal.

Uploaded byRépás Norbert
PublisherKALLIGRAM, Edícia: Knižnica slovenskej literatúry
Source of the quotationMiroslav Válek - Básnické dielo, ISBN: 80-7149-795-9
Bookpage (from–to)58-59
Publication date

Chapel (English)

If you were growing by an apple trees,
I would be coming daily via gates
to your garden for the violets
and I would make a chapel to your knees.

Your thighs, if you didn’t sit,
would be there two columns like marble pink
which always – even a fool knows I think -
would bear the vault which would fairly fit.

In the belfry where it’s lightly chiming,
it’s high above the vault, shortly,
if I drew the curtain slightly,
I would find two apples dwelling.

Have I had such a chapel in my possession,
there wouldn’t be any procession,
only me and apples would be taking the lesson
and at night I’d keep them locked all the times on.

Uploaded byRépás Norbert
PublisherAmazon Kindle Edition
Source of the quotationCollection of Poems: Miroslav Válek, ASIN: B00V6YBLWK
Bookpage (from–to)Kindle Locations 128-137
Publication date
