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The page of Ondruš, Ján, English bibliography

Image of Ondruš, Ján
Ondruš, Ján


- Insane Moon (Šialený mesiac, 1965),
- Gesture with a Flower (Posunok s kvetom, 1968),
- In a State of Gall (V stave žlče, 1968),
- Genuflection (Kľak, 1970),
- Male Spice (Mužské korenie, 1972),
- Memory (Pamäť, 1982, selection from his works),
- Egg (Vajíčko, from the unpublished debut; 1984),
- Swallowing a Hair (Prehĺtanie vlasu, 1996, a collection of his re-edited books), Sheep in a Wolf 's Clothing (Ovca vo vlčej koži, 1997)

Translations by the author:
- Ondruš translated and published a volume of V. Popa's poems.

Works translated:
- I Will Not Sign My Face (1995 Norwegian)
- Leaving from a Mirror (1997 Bulgarian)
- Tightrope Walker (1998 English)
- A Hat of Wine (2000 German)

Works published with support from SLOLIA:
- Dvoglavi lutak (Výber z poézie) / 2002 / Serbian language
- Ein Hut voll Wein (Výber z poézie) / 2000 / German
- Izlizane ot ogledaloto (Výber z poézie) / 1997 / Bulgarian Language
- Kretnja s cvetom in V stanju žolča / Prehĺtanie vlasu (výber) / 2008 / Slovenian Language
- Primera luna (Výber z poézie - dvojjazyčne) / 2009 / Spanish

Literature ::
Translation ::
