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Rúfus, Milan: Michelangelo (Michelangelo in English)

Portre of Rúfus, Milan

Michelangelo (Slovak)

Niest’ bremeno a spievať.
Ty si vedel,
kto nosí krásu na krst.
My už nie.

My nevieme, my iba poznáme.
Ako sa na
ťahujú hodinky.
ľko má kostí veľryba. I báseň.
, každý chĺpok, trikrát spočítaný,
na tele krásy.
Čo s tým, čo s tým?

S múdrením, ktor
ým pribúda
čoty ako vlčej tmy - a básnik,
ý jazdec, z jamky po podkove
chce stvori
ť kona.

ť, únava...
Jak deti v lese sme zablúdili v mnohom.

A krása, ktorá tykala si s Bohom,
sama sebe dnes rozpráva
ätene, čudné veci.

PublisherDielo I. MilaniuM 2002, s. 196

Michelangelo (English)

To bear a burden and to sing.
You knew
who used to bear beauty to its baptism.
We don’t any more.

We do not know, we’ve only learnt.
How to wind a watch.
How many bones a whale has. And a poem.
Yes, every little hair, thrice counted
on beauty’s body. But what use, what use?

That philosophizing which merely intensifies
that nothingness which grows like dim vision. And the poet,
thrown rider, from the horseshoe’s imprint
tries to create a horse.

Anguish and weariness...
Like babes in a dark wood we’ve gone astray.

And beauty, once the intimate of God,
now all alone relates to itself
confused, mysterious things.

Source of the quotationSister Hope. Poems in Eglish
